Friday, October 30, 2009

Maureen Playing Games

Oval Man Cave
Published: October 27, 2009

Since Maureen doesn't golf, she has this challenge:
Since the president is finally willing to let women in on the games, I offered up my own challenge: Scrabble. I’m curious about what X and Z words the smarty-pants Y chief executive can come up with.

There might even be $10 in it for you, Mr. President.
Never has an invitation for a board game looked sexier. I'm in.


  1. Sounds like a challenge for Papa Bush.

  2. After Tom’s golf outing, Politico ran the headline: “Friedman jumps to the front of the influence list.”

    Just want to point out to Tom Friedman that O.J. Simpson golfed with Bill Clinton. Simpson didn't remain on the influence list for long.

    Just as some men can’t ingratiate themselves through sports, some women can. Condi Rice drew close to W. — nudging away Dick Cheney — by working out with him and talking football.

    Dick Cheney is not easily nudged away. In fact, he apparently is nudge proof. While Dubya and Condi were jogging on treadmills, Cheney was down in the War Room, and he wasn't playing videogames.
