Friday, January 23, 2009

Maureen Makes The List

Forbes has placed Maureen Dowd on their 25 Most Influential Liberals List, proving that their rather elastic definition of 'liberal' includes anybody to the left of David Brooks that can make a pun. As they describe her:
Known for her exclamatory columns, Dowd writes about politics with a biting, pop-culture-infused spin. She is much better at meowing at her own side, though, so the Obama administration could see her recover the cat-wit she appeared to have lost in her formulaic Bush years.
Just so you can calibrate their scale, Arianna Huffington came in at #2, Chris Matthews at #12, and Andrew Sullivan at #19. NYT stablemates making the list included Paul Krugman at the top and Thomas Friedman at #4. She's just going to have to work snarkier, not harder.

1 comment:

  1. A difference rarely noted in American culture, pop or political: There is a difference between being influential and being well known or simply known. Just who has MoDo influenced, other than some women of a certain age who tried out MoDo's hair color? This is MoDo, after all, and MoDo doesn't do icky policy issues.
