Thursday, November 29, 2007

BlogWatch: While Condi Fiddles

BraveNew Films (which I don’t know why is reading MoDo) has a rave review of the latest column:
Another absolutely brilliant column by Maureen Dowd in The New York Times written in her uniquely lucid and eloquent style where she lays bare the truth about the new Middle East peace initiative and other things. I hope Condi picks up The New York Times today. Perhaps she will read it to George.
The best metaphor to come out of the Condoleezza Rice Workout for Peace revelation was this one on The Gist:
Nero fiddled -- Condi does cardio. We've commented many times on the show about Rice's workout routine and the elliptical machine that is sometimes brought to her hotel room when she jets about -- and we have a lot of audio of her discussing her weight, her dieting tips and her exercise routine, which seem to take precedent over diplomacy. But I hadn't realized how much she has literally been ellipticizing while the world burns.
And Americablog reacts with to aerobicizer anecdote with this:
Pretty much sums it up.

1 comment:


    That August she had been advised
    Bin Laden, he was plottin',
    To finish up the job: surmised
    She "this cannot be nothin'--

    Nothin' of my concern, although
    He did attempt before
    To take the towers down," and so
    The threat she did ignore.

    It was, recall, her foremost plan
    To let things amble on
    Without much interference--can
    You wonder they fell down?

    Quoth she, "None ever had before
    Imagined that he might
    Hijack a plane," but holy war
    Had told its methods quite.

    Dismissive of the evidence,
    So all that motley crew
    By auto-pilot mindset, hence
    Chose what it "felt" was true.

    Hands off, do-nothing policy
    Devolves the way it has,
    But then, "what will it think of me,
    Posterity," she says--

    And tries to of a sudden make
    A last ditch effort to
    Start Mideast peace talks: people shake
    Their heads and wonder, who?

    During, say, seven years was squandered
    The semblance of disinterest,
    Impartiality--she pandered
    And made a striking contrast

    To all her predecessors, as
    At least portended to be
    Above the fray--involved, she was
    Pure partisan and grubby.

    So they will pass away, all as
    A dim-remembered dream,
    When honesty ran out of gas
    And trust ran out of steam.
